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                                                                                    Bryce, Eve
        **Includes updates through SD 54422.6 (2378); updated addenda pending

Played by: Erika Christensen
Rank:  Ensign (acting Captain)
Last recorded assignment: Commanding officer, U.S.S. Eclipse
Full Name: Eve Harmony Bryce
Species/gender: human female
Home Region: California, North America, Earth
Birthdate: August 5, 2357
Parents: General Garrett Bryce and Carrie Bryce (d. 2364) step-mother Alexis Bryce
Siblings:  none
Education: Starfleet Academy, incomplete fourth year
Marital status: Single
Office: (2378- present) U.S.S. Eclipse, Deck 1 Ready Room adjoining bridge

Starfleet Carrer Summary:

2378-  Given command of academy ship U.S.S. Eclipse.  Ship disappeared near Deep Space Nine, SD 54059.7
    **addendum SD 54235.1: Reported stranded with U.S.S. Voyager in Delta Quadrant. Most of crew is     dead.
    **addendum SD 54422.6: Eclipse returned, appearing just outside Changling homeworld. Intent on     returning to Delta Quadrant.

Bio-Psychological Profile: Report of Starfleet Medical/Counselor's Office

Bryce is a decidedly stubborn young woman. Despite a short-temper, her intelligence and dedication has put her near the top of her class. She shows promise in commanding, as well as a possible future teaching role at the Academy. Aside from her commanding coursework, her studies have included Terran American history, and child care.

This subject has had sessions with a psychologist for several years, up to and including her time at the academy. Evaluation has revealed some emotional unstableness. When upset, Bryce has a tendency to close up inside herself, which with further counseling may change. Much of the emotion damage seems related to the death of her mother in 2364, and her father (General G. Bryce)'s later remarrige. She has expressed a strong dislike of her step-mother.

For recreation, Bryce enjoys holodeck programs such as medieval Europe, and surfing.

File Update: Delta Quadrant Addendum
Report by Capt. Kathryn Janeway, U.S.S. Voyager

Eve is really something. Hers and the rest of the Eclipse crews addition to our own is welcomed.  I am, however, concerned about her current emotional state, and its things like these that make me wish we had a dedicated counselor.  

She seems to have developed a close relationship with Harry Kim. I believe they will both benefit from the friendship, as Eve seems to need someone to talk to.


Quick facts on Eve:
Age: 21
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 120
Hair: dark blonde/light brown, wavy/curly to just past shoulders.
(However, if you were to read the stories on, she has black wavy hair that extends halfway down her back)
Eye color: blue-green
Family: biological mother and father, Carrie and Garrett, step-mother Alexis
best friend: Arik
currently dating: Arik
ship rank: Captain
related links

Gibson, Arik
Eve's personal log