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All About Us
Us is Amanda and Liz, and we created the Eclipse and all the characters that don't appear on Voyager or DSN etc. etc.
Below you'll find a short bio for each of us.


    Amanda was born on July 13th, 1986 (thats a Sunday, if you care), in Walla Walla, a small, boring town in southeast Washington. She still lives there, and can often be found complaining of lack of things to do, or the weather.

    Amanda's interests are the internet, reading, writing, and weirding people out. She spends most of her time either at her house, school, or her friend Maggie's house. Because of the large amount of time she spends on the internet,  she has six e-mail accounts. Which is really not as many as it sounds.

    As for television, Amanda is a fan of ER, Scrubs, and several others. She thinks you should watch these shows, as well as boycott Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Her favorite computer game is The Sims and she takes great joy in killing off her least favorite character, Bella Goth.

    However, school is a different matter. Amanda's favorite thing is definately not school. However, there are several classes and lunch that make it sort of bearable. Science and math are her worst subjects, so she was rather peeved to learn that colleges like you to take lots of these types of classes. After high school, she plans to major in psychology.


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