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June 3rd- I'm such a liar. I'll try and get stuff up. the splash page was bugging me. It's better now.

Mar. 10, 2002- Long over due, I'm working on this. Actually, I now have a computer in my room so i can work on the new all html layout instead of sleeping. LOL. I will be updating a lot more as soon as the play i'm in finishes, that March 16th... Anyway, today (or tonight, really) I added stuff to the minor character page. Pictures. and now it looks better.

Jan. 5, 2002- I made a personailty quiz. How freaking spiffy is that? Also, I added another minor character.

Jan. 4, 2002- I FINISHED TYPING STORY 4! It's 6 pages long but i'm sooo happy to have it done. Check it out. And, see the newest crew member here, or in the photo album. I also but up baby bios for two minor characters. Although, I'm not sure if they're both been mentioned yet, but they are mentioned more in upcoming episodes.

Jan. 3, 2002- here's a shocker! two updates in a row! Uh, anyway, I changed the opening animation because Talon looked like crap in black and white. Plus I got  a better program. Of course, I'll have to redo it when the new character shows up... Anyway, i'm hoping to work on profiles today. As for the 'pesonal log' non link thing, that will come eventually, I'm hoping to start  them with the release of episode 5.

Jan. 2, 2002- I redid the layout because I hated the last one. And I put the first two parts of story 4 up. Also, very exciting news, we're reworking episodes 5-10 and onward. Thus, they will not only be better, containing personal logs and such, but we hate Eve less. This also will create 'the lost episodes' Bwhahaha. expect to see those not any time soon. Heh.  We've both been grounded, so when the next part is to be up is questionable. Zeke has had a profile update.

Nov. 8th, 2001-- Nevermind. that's too much work. Updated some stuff. Added stories, worked on bios.

Sept. 21st, 2001-- you know what? Just go here for updates.

Aug. 23rd, 2001-- heh heh. Guess i forgot to do this. Um anyway, Acceptance is up, all the characters have pictures and partial bios. Woohoo!

Aug. 14th, 2001 -- It's all new. bunch of pictures... stories.... bios.... check it out.