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Arrival: Part 3

    "I said, I’m fine!" Arik said, slightly exasperated. "Calm down, Eve. I’m okay." he kissed her cheek.

    Janeway frowned inwardly. Minutes ago, the girl had been depressed. Now she was sitting with her ‘friend’, grinning hugely. In Kathryn’s opinion, the mood swings were more than likely unhealthy, mentally and physical.

    Talon looked at Janeway, following her gaze to Eve and Arik.

    "Permission to speak freely?"

    "Of course." She replied, sounding slightly surprised.

    "Don’t worry about Eve. She’ll be just fine. She and Arik have known each other since they were three. After he gets a chance to talk to her, she’ll be back to normal. He might be able to convince her that the deaths aren’t her fault."

    Janeway nodded, but didn’t say anything.

    "Somebody’s full of himself." B’Elanna muttered, inspecting the warp core.

    "I agree with you’re observation." Seven replied, as Harry jumped from a Jeffries

    "Come on people, we’re all friends here." He started whistling.

    "That’s what he thinks." B’Elanna said under her breath.

    "Let’s leave." Seven said suddenly, fear apparent in her voice.

    "Aw, come on Sev, don’t tell me the ex-Borg is scared. I even turned the lights on. Now, who wants to help me with bridge lighting?

    "Too small. No air." Seven said softly, heading for the door.

    "Hey, hey! Since when are you claustrophobic?" Harry asked.

    "People!" B’Elanna roared. "Let’s get back to work. We’re Starfleet!"

    Seven slapped her comm. "One to beam directly to sickbay."

    "Hey! We’re not done!" B’Elanna hit her comm and beamed out.

    "Was it something I said?" Harry followed after them.

    By this time, the cadets were in the briefing room.

    "I don’t really remember much." Eve started slowly. "Maybe if we reconstruct the incident." She stood, and left the room, heading for the bridge.

    The others followed.

    "I was standing here." Eve now stood in from of Janeway’s chair. "Zeke was…" she jogged to the doors. "Here. He was trying to get people out of the halls… Arik was at the railing, he had been up here just before everything went haywire. He hadn’t gotten a chance to get down to engineering, so he was yelling to them over the comm." She moved down to the helm post. "Ensign Cambridge was here. Kamii was trying to recover a system, and Cambridge took over for her. Talon was at the security post." She trailed off.

    "Was there anyone else on the bridge?" Chakotay asked.

    "Yes. Ensign Quinn was at science. Everyone else was scattered over the ship. The mess hall, their quarters, engineering, in the hall… I remember Davenport and Sands were in cargo bay one… but other than that…" Kamii put in.

    The group moved back into the briefing room.

    "Our last known location was here." Eve pointed to a spot on a star map of the Alpha Quadrant. "Five days from Earth, traveling at about warp 1. Our assignment was to work as an actual crew for a month- it was supposed to help with our first assignments after we graduated. The crew had 112 people." She paused. "Last I remember we turned warp to warp 5- no real reason. We just wanted to see as much as we could. Next thing I know, the systems are failing, everything is chaos, and then the bridge explodes."

    Janeway opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Seven, B’Elanna, and Harry bursting in the doors.

    "Hey guys, what’s up?" Harry asked, bounding to his usual seat.

    "Anyone for a game of-."

    "No that’s too-." Seven of Nine interrupted Lt. Torres.

    "Sure!" Harry jumped up, practically screaming with excitement.

    "People! What is going on here?" Eve yelled above the newly erupted chaos.

    "Nothing." Seven said meekly.

    "If you don’t mind, we’re in the middle of planning our next game." B’Elanna said testily.

    "B’Elanna…" Janeway warned.

    "What’s wrong, Seven? I though Borg were fearless." Zeke asked.

    "They are." Seven stated softly, moving to a less crowded area of the room.

    "Stop!" Eve yelled. "You’re giving me a headache." Everyone froze. "Now, what game?"

    "Parrieses Squares, what else?" B’Elanna rolled her eyes.

    "Duh." Harry added, jumping on the table.

    "Down boy." Paris said.

    "Parrieses Squares?" Eve repeated. "Ensign Kim, off the table."

    He jumped off, ran to her, picking her up. "milady, of course. But you must relax."

    "Put her down." Janeway ordered.

    "Aww." Harry said, putting the younger captain down. She was glaring at him, as was Arik.

    "Look,  'just friends'." Paris laughed, pointing out the couple to B’Elanna.

    "What??" she demanded. "You Pah’Thak! Who is she?" B’Elanna demanded, pointing her phaser at him.

    "Lanna! What is wrong with you?" He grabbed the phaser away. "Hey, Bryce, catch!" he tossed her the weapon.


    "No you don’t!" B’Elanna yelled, tackling the girl.

    "No, It’s- you’re- you aren’t well. No phaser!" Eve was struggling to keep the phaser out of B’Elanna’s reach.

    Janeway walked over, taking the phaser. "I’ll be taking this. Lt Torres, cease this behavior."

    "Whee!" Harry Kim ran around the table.

    "What the hell is going on?" Eve yelled. The room fell silent, except for Harry’s call of ‘whee’

    "Nevermind." She growled. "I don’t want to know." And turned, storming from the room. She was followed closely by her crew.

    Janeway glared at Harry and B’Elanna, and then glanced at Seven. "What has gotten into you three?"

    "Nothing!" Harry spun around in circles.

    Janeway gave them ‘the look.’ "Tuvok, have security escort Seven to her quarters.
    Ensign Kim and Lt Torres are to be put in the brig until we figure out what’s going on." She frowned as they were escorted from the room. "Computer, locate the cadets."

    The cadets are in the mess hall.

    She pushed her comm. "Bryce, please bring your crew back down here. I’d like to speak to you."


    "Whoo, whoo!"

    B’Elanna gritted her teeth.

    "Chugga Chugga!" he added, grinning. Harry was well aware he was annoying her.

    "HARRY!" she threw herself at the force field. "Let me out! No one deserves this!"

                Move on to part four