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Arrival: Part 4

    "So, any ideas on what’s wrong with them?" Janeway asked.

    The others shrugged.

    "Maybe they’re possessed." Paris whispered to Eve. "Well, all except Harry. I don’t see any change."

    She giggled, but tried to hold the laugh in.

    "Mr. Paris, I do not think acting like a 20th century transportation device is what Mr. Kim normally does." Tuvok stated, after overhearing him

    "A train, Tuvok."

    Eve burst out laughing, but quickly stopped. Janeway was glaring at them. "Sorry." She managed to choke out.

    "Ahem." Janeway said.

    "Ahem." Paris mimicked quietly, smiling at Eve, who bit her lip.

    "Paris!" Janeway looked directly at him.


    "I order you to decease this at once!"

    "I order you to decease this at once!"

    "Paris, stop mimicking me."
    "Paris, stop mimicking me."

    At this point Eve could not longer contain her laughter, and the other cadets joined in. Chakotay was trying to hide a smile. Paris was grinning, quite proud of himself.

    "Enough!" Janeway slammed her hands on the table.

    Everyone, including Paris, was silent.

    "I will not have my crew acting like a bunch of two year olds."

    "And trains?" Paris said very quietly to Eve. She managed to keep a straight face.

    "Paris, you’re confined to your quarters. Go." Janeway commanded.

    He left, with a grin on his face.

    "Why me?" she muttered, rubbing her temples.

    "You are the captain." Tuvok stated.

    She sighed. "Any other smart remarks anyone would like to get out of the way before we continue?"

    The room was silent.
    "That’s what I thought. Now, about Torres, Kim, and Seven."

    "Actually," Eve said, "Paris might be right."

    "That Ensign Kim often acts like a 20th century Earth transportation device?"

    "A train. But that’s not what I meant. I was referring to his comment about them being possessed."

    "An interesting theory. But wouldn’t the go by different names?" Janeway asked.

    "I don’t really know." Bryce admitted. "This is an uncharted area of space, right? At least for us?"

    "Affirmative." Tuvok answered.

    "So maybe there’s something in this area of space."

    "Or maybe it’s your ship." Chakotay turned to face Commander Truan.

    "What do you mean?" he asked.

    "At least 82 people are dead. Maybe our officers were somehow possessed. Without disposal of the bodies yet, it’s possible."

    "But no one acted like that!" Talon put in.

    "Ensign Mason was very quiet. And often scared." Zeke answered.

    "Ensign Mason had phobias." Eve corrected.

    "Crewman Corran was extremely aggressive at times." Kamii suggested.

    "I suppose that’s true. And Crewman Baise always called me milady." She paused. "Inside joke." She grinned.

    "So, it could be the crew." Janeway stood up.

    "Yes, I suppose…" Eve glanced at Arik, who nodded agreement.

    "So what will be our course of action?" Janeway asked, pacing the front of the room.

    "We’ll repair the Eclipse, after all, we don’t seem to be affected by this." Bryce said. "Other than yourself and Tuvok."

    "If you must. Take the doctor with you. He’ll be help, and you won’t have to worry about him being possessed. Tuvok and Chakotay, research on possession, see if you find anything that could be of use."

    "Our own EMH will work just as well." Eve argued. "And she can travel all over the ship."

    "I insist. You may not be able to get that system running."

    Eve nodded. "Okay."

    "Uh actually E- Captain Bryce." Arik interupted. "I don’t think the ship can be repaired."

    "Then you’ll become a permanent part of out crew." Janeway smiled.

    "But is there room?" Talon argued.

    "I rather go back to the Eclipse." Kamii muttered.

    "It’s a nice offer, but I’m sure we can repair the ship." Talon spoke up.

    "With five people?" Arik stood.

    "Automated repair systems have already been activated." Talon growled. "The engines have started to return to normal. I give it two weeks before we can be on our way, and another four before all repairs are completed."

    "We have no crew! And you’re not an engineer anyway!"

    "We have emergency holographic repair crews."

    "Silence!" Eve demanded. "I’ll be making the decision."

    Talon muttered something to Kamii, who snickered.

    Eve glared at them. "You are dismissed." She said icily.

    The two stared at her in shock.

    "You heard me! Out!"

    "Fine!" Talon yelled as he and Kamii left.

    "You too Arik. Zeke, you better go with them." She sighed.

    "Remember what I said." Arik said quietly as he passed.

    She sat down, resting her head on the table. "That piece of junk ship isn’t make for long distance travel- it’s a decommissioned science vessel, hardly any weapons. We’d be stranded after a while." She was silent for a bit. "I can’t do this."

    Janeway motioned for the others to leave. "You’ll travel with us. A second ship would be useful. We could also equip it with necessary systems."

    Eve looked up. "I guess." She looked to the door. "I hate sending them out. But they just don’t listen." She shrugged. "Then that’d what we’ll do… I don’t know how to make them happy." She said softly.

    "And you never will. It’s not possible. I can’t even figure it out." Janeway smiled as the two stood.

    "I guess I better go see that they aren’t planning a mutiny." She ran a hand through her hair. "I don’t know how you run a crew, so far from home."

    "It’s taken a lot of practice."

    "But you’ve had that practice. I haven’t." she sighed. "I’m only a cadet."

    "Not to me. When I look at you, I see a strong young woman. A captain. Hang in there. Things will get better."

    Eve looked at her. "Thank you."

    "Now, go explain things to your friends. Then I want you to get some rest."

    "Who does she think she is?" Talon fumed.

    "Oh, I don’t know. The captain? Our superior?" Arik suggested sarcastically.

    "She’s just a cadet. Like you or me. She has no power over us."

    "Look out that window. I don’t see the academy. I don’t see San Francisco. I don’t even see Earth. And until I look out that window and see San Francisco, as far as I’m concerned, she is our superior."

    "You’re just siding with her because she’s you’re girlfriend."

    "I am not!"

    "Hey, no fighting." Kamii put her hand on Talon’s shoulder. "Arik’s right. She was put in command over us, and until we get home, she is still the captain." She smiled gently.
Talon sighed, holding his hand out to Arik. "Truce?" Arik smirked as he said this.

    "Hello Captain Bryce." Arik winked at her. "So what’s your decision?"

    "We’ll attempt to fix Eclipse, with Voyager’s help, of course. If we succeeded, we’ll travel with them, the crews working together, having shifts on both ships." She paused. "If we can’t fix it, we’ll join their crew like the Marquis did." She looked at them, expectantly. "Understood?"

    "Yes ma’am!" Kamii grinned at her friend. Talon and Arik nodded.

    "Then report to the transporter room at once. Let’s get started." Bryce smiled. Things would get better.

    As they walked to the turbolift, Arik put his arm around her shoulder. "There’s my brave girl. We’ll make this work."

    "I hope so."

    "It’s not you’re fault, you know."
    "I wish I could agree."