Star Trek: Eclipse     |   home
Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three
Part One

Bryce shifted from one foot to another. She hadn’t been so nervous for quite a while.

"Eve, stop that. You’re making me nervous. More nervous, that is." Her second scolded.

"Sorry." She muttered, stopping. Eve now tapped her nails on the wall.

"Like that’s much better."

Kamii elbowed him to shut up, accompanied by a roll of Talon’s eyes. Eve had lifted the restriction only hours earlier.

Finally, the docking bay doors opened.

"Took long enough." Eve said, with some irritation.

"It’s not like you’re meeting the Queen or anything. You know these people." Arik smiled at her.

"I said I was sorry!"

At this moment, the visitors entered the room.

"Daddy!" Eve yelled, running to her father, and throwing her arms around him. "Oh. And
Alexis." She added, after a moment, glancing at the woman.

"Hello, dear." She smiled sweetly, and Eve held back a glare.

"Tom?" said a male voice.


"Well, it’s most certainly not Harry’s mother." Eve giggled.

"Dad, I-I- uh, wasn’t expecting you." Paris stuttered.

"Well, I’m not alone…."

Tom’s eldest sister hugged him. "We missed you, Tommy. It’s been a long time."

Several feet away stood Talon and Kamii. After a moment of watching the events, they turned and left. Neither had any family. Any that would show up, anyway.

Amber Gibson hugged her son. "Arik," she said, slightly tearfully, "I was worried I'd never see you again!"

He returned the hug, and them embraced his father.

"Yeah, well, you know me. Anything for you." he grinned at his mother.

"Did you bring my clothes?" Eve asked, and her father laughed.

"Yes, sweetie."

She grinned. "Just checking."

"Eve! Come over here, meet my family." Harry called over.

"Alright." She grabbed her fathers wrist, and proceeded to pull him to where the Kim family stood. Alexis followed behind them.

"Eve, this is my mother; my father-" Harry began.

"John." Interrupted Mr. Kim, shaking hands with Eve.

"Right. And well, these are my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins." Harry smiled.

"Nice to meet you." Eve paused. "My dad, Garrett, and his wife, Alexis." She mentioned Alexis with somewhat less enthusiasm.

After abandoning his parents, who were now talking to the Truans, Arik came up behind Eve, kissing her neck. "Hi there."

"Arik!" She exclaimed. "This is not the time." She paused. "Or the place, for that matter. But we’ve already had that discussion."

"Aww, what a cute couple." Said someone nearby.

Eve’s face turned a bit pink, making Arik laugh.

"Uh, um. Well, how about a tour of the Eclipse?" Eve changed subjects.

"I’d like that." Mrs. Kim seconded the idea.

"Alright then, let’s go." Harry announced, leading the group.

"Eve, Starfleet has a surprise for you guys." Garrett said quietly.

"What is it?"

"If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?"

"Oooh…." She whined.

"You like it. A lot." Alexis assured her.

"You told her?" Eve hissed.

"Eve…" said her father, in his ‘don’t be rude to Alexis, young lady’ tone.

"Don’t Eve me!" she snapped. "I’m an adult, you can’t go punishing me every time I say something you don’t find nice."

"Eve Harmony Bryce, do not take that tone with me. You maybe be 21, but you are still my daughter." He said calmly. "We’ll discuss this later." Then smiled, and spoke louder so everyone could hear. "So, where does this tour start?"

"Garrett, honey," Alexis whispered to her husband. "When are you going to tell her?"

"The Starfleet thing?"

"No. The other thing." She nodded toward her stomach.

"Oh. That. Later."
Captain Janeway sighed. A week had passed since the disappearance of the Eclipse.

"Kathryn, you have to realize, we may not see them again." Chakotay said, gently.

"We’re going to find them." She looked up at him from the desk. "We’ll probably hear all about their return in the next sub-space transmission."

"Back at Earth? The chance is slim."

"I know, I know. We can only hope."

"You have to accept that they may not have made it."

"I can’t. A captain doesn’t give up on her crew- ever. And something tells me they’re out there."

Chakotay sighed. "Alright then."

"This is our bridge. It has been fully upgraded with the newest technology." Eve smiled, opening her mouth to continue, when…

"Captain on the bridge!" Chandler announced from his post. Immediately all the officers seated stood.

"As you were. You know, you don’t have to do that every time."

"Aw, you know you like it, Evey." Arik said, putting his arm around her waist. She removed his arm.

"I’m still annoyed at you about that kiss thing. In private I don’t mind at all, but my father was present! Moreover, Admiral Paris! Sometimes I wonder if you ever use your head to think."

She said quietly to him.

"What’s that supposed to mean?"

"It means that-"

"Well, is anybody hungry?" Harry asked, spotting the argument. "This would be a great time to visit the mess hall."

Several people voiced their agreements.

"Alright, you can meet several other members of our crew there.." Ensign Kim continued, leading the group off the bridge.

"Well now, just what were you saying about me?" Arik asked, glaring at his best friend/girlfriend.

"I was about to say that you’re always doing things like that! I thought we talked about how to act while on duty."

"But we weren’t on duty."

"In uniform, all the same."

"Okay, I’m sorry." He forced a smiled. "Let’s go eat."

"Hey, look, your cousin’s flirting with Zeke." Tom pointed out to Harry. "Alright Zeke."

"Hey, that’s my cousin we’re talking about!"

Tom shrugged. "Zeke’s a good guy. She’ll be fine." He eyes wondered across the room ,
spotting an unhappy looking couple walking through the door. "Uh-oh."

"What?" Harry followed Tom’s gaze.

"Things should get very interesting…." He walked toward the food line. "Come one, I want to hear this."

"What’s wrong with you today, anyway?" Arik asked.

"Wrong with me? Nothing."

"Oh, I see, ‘nothing’ is what makes you all edgy. I guess it was just ‘nothing’ back there on the bridge, huh? And with Alexis? You act like she’s ‘El diablo.’"

"Ooh, he’s in for in now…" Tom muttered to Harry. "Watch, you might learn something about what not to say to women."

"The Devil?" Eve laughed sharply. "No. She’s just… she isn’t… I…"

"She’s not Carrie. Not your birth mother. Oooh big offense! Better hate her, better yet, burn her at the stake. Seeing what a witch she is, you know, treating you like her own daughter. Just where does she get off? How dare she care about you."

"I never said that!"

"But you meant it."

"What of it?" she flipped hair over her shoulder, like she did when she got really annoyed.

"You’re jealous aren’t you?" Arik demanded. "Spoiled brat. You’ve got no reason to be this bitchy to everyone."

"Words of death." noted Tom. "She’ll probably slap him."

"I am not jealous, and I am not a brat, and I’m not being bitchy. Honestly, sometimes I don’t know how I put up with you."

"Put up with me? I have to put up with you!"

"Oh, gee, nice to know your sooo supportive."

"I’m trying to be. I show affection and you-"

"In front of everyone! What don’t you understand? It’s embarrassing."

"Oh, so I’m embarrassing, and you’re jealous of your stepmother."

"I am NOT jealous!"

"Mad that you have to share your father’s attention, are you? Is that it?"

"No, and don’t be a jackass. They’ve been married since I was 14. I’m over the attention thing. Like 6 years over!"

"Then what is it? Why are you treating everyone like crap?"

"Drop it, Arik." She warned.

"No I-"

Eve slapped him across the face, then stood there, looking at him, slightly stunned at her own actions.

"Hey! Eve, you know what? Suddenly, I’ve lost my appetite. And my desire to see you again." He pushed past her, heading for the door.

"Is that so? Fine by me."

"Told you she’d slap him." Tom shook his head. "Bad word choice on his part. Very bad word choice."

"Eve, uh-" Harry began, trying to decide what to say.

"What?" She demanded.

"I was going to ask if you like to join Tom and I later. We were going to head down to the holodeck."

"We were?" muttered Tom.

"Sure." She smiled. "Sorry for snapping at you, Harry. I’m not in the best of moods."

He nodded. "It’s fine. It’s been a stressful time for everyone."
