Star Trek: Eclipse     |   home
Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three
Part Two

"I hate her, I hate her, I hate her, I hate her, I hate her." Arik said angrily as he hit the punching bag. "I hate her, I hate her I- hey!" The bag disappeared, and Arik turned around.

"Hate who?" Talon asked, coming over to his friend. "Nice holo-program, by the way."

"Eve! God, she’s such a stuck-up, conceited, brat!"

"Don’t those all pretty much mean the same thing?" he paused. "Why do you hate your girlfriend?"

"My EX-girlfriend. I try to be nice, she yells at me. I try to be romantic, she yells at me. And then she slaps me!"

"Ah." Talon nodded. "A bit of a fight, I guess."

"You guess?"

"Well, what did you say to her?"

"I came up behind her and kissed her neck. She kinda scolded me, but later, on the bridge, I put my arm around her and she moves my arm away, and then she says I don’t use my head to think-."

Talon held back a laugh.

"and then she yells at me for kissing her, and so I apologize and we go to eat. I ask what’s wrong, and she snaps at me. And when I try guessing things, I get yelled at again. And then because I kept talking, the bitch hits me."

"Hmm. What were your suggestions?"

"I figured that it would have something to do with Carr-"

"Carrie and Alexis? You know how to pick topics reeeal well. And where were you when you kissed her?"

"In the docking wait room."

"With everyone there??"

He shrugged. "Well, yeah, it’s not like they don’t know we’re dating. We were, that is."

"Did you hit your head? Do you realize how much you probably embarrassed her? In front of her father??!?"

"Well I’m not apologizing."

"Arik, you know she, one, really really misses Carrie, two, doesn’t like Alexis much, three, Has this ‘thing’ about PDA’s and, four, has a temper. Put that with the fact her crew has been thrown off course twice now, and it’s a bad combination."

"Yeah, so?"

"Forget it. Just go on being stubborn. You’ll apologize sooner or later."


Eve flopped down on her bed, just as the door rang. "Come on."

"So, what’d Arik do?" Kamii crossed the room and sat next to Eve.

"How’d you find out? You were on the bridge!"

"Gossip, dear Eve. It spreads quickly."

"Hrrmpf. Nice to know I’m a good topic."

"So, what’d he do?"

"Asked about Alexis, kissed me in from of my father, called me a spoiled brat."

"Oooh, he asked about Alexis. One of the seven deadly sins of dating Eve." Kamii rolled her eyes. "You are so sensitive!"

"You’d be ‘sensitive’ too."

"I heard you hit him."

"Yeah, well…."

"You can’t hit someone just because you don’t like what they say!"

Eve rolled over, now looking at the ceiling. "He deserved it."


"Kamii, leave me alone, okay?"

"Will you hit me if I don’t?" she stood.


Kamii glared at Eve. "Whatever." She left Eve’s room, passing Harry on the way down the hall. "Don’t bother."

"Eve?" Harry called from the other side of the door.


"Can I come in?"

"I guess so.."

"Thanks." He sat on her bed, next to her. "Look, Eve, about-"

"Not you too!"

"Well, I mean, don’t you even miss him? I saw how hurt you looked when he told you he never wanted to see you again."

She shrugged. "I’ll live."

"I think you two were meant to be together. Really, I do." He grinned. "And I’m saying that even though I’d love to date you."

She looked at him. "You would?"

He nodded. "A lot of guys would."

She blushed. "You don’t think I’m a spoiled brat, do you?"

"No. I know you’re not jealous. You don’t seem jealous. But I don’t know what it is. Would you enlighten me?" Ensign Kim smiled at her.

She shook her head.

"Okay. Tom and I are going to the holodeck now. Are you ready?"

Eve shook her head again. " On second thought, I think I’ll stay here."

Harry gave her a strange look. "All right. I’ll see you at the ceremony, okay?"

She nodded. "Bye, Harry."

Eve watched him leave, before flopping back down on the bed. Not wanting to deal with anything else, she fell into a deep sleep.
