Star Trek: Eclipse     |   home
Part 1   |   Part 2   |   part three
Part 1
disclaimer: we don't own Star Trek. etc.

                a/n: Its a tad confusing, but i'm sure you can figure it out.

Chief Engineer’s Log, Supplemental
    With the help of Lt. Torres’ staff, the warp core is now back where it should be. Upon our reunion, the Eclipse and Voyager crews, now collectively know as Duo, had a small celebration in honor of our graduation. In addition, the remaining funerals have of this time been finished, although the crew is still adjusting to both the loss of our fellow classmates, as well as the loss of our friends and family in the Alpha Quadrant. Lt.’s Truan, Davidson, and myself are going down to the planet of Claskon VII in the Amoraa System to obtain dilithium crystals.

    "Well, this place looks oh so comfy." Kamii rolled her eyes, stepping of the shuttle and into the muddy terrain.

    "Oh, yeah, tons of fun. " Arik said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I don’t know why our crew didn’t just join with Voyager like the Marquis did. Isn’t that regulation or something? No, instead of leaving our hunk of junk to rust we take it with us on a Trans-quadrant tour!"

    Zeke rolled his eyes. "Stop whining. You’re on this mission because we needed an engineer. And the Marquis ship wasn’t left to rust, it got blown up."

    "It’s not like I’m the only engineer. I wanted to stay behind and assist with repairs. But no, I have to be on this stupid ball of mud!"

    "If you stopped whining, we could to work, and we could finish soon and get back to out ‘hunk of junk’." Kamii scolded, annoyance evident in her voice.

    "You heard the lady, Arik. If you shut up and do work, before you know it, you be back in the bed of your wifey."

    "She’s not my wife! And I’m going to tell her about that bed comment. We’ll see if your still making jokes when she slaps you."

    Zeke snorted. "She might as well be your wife."

    Arik threw his arms up. "I am not going to have this discussion with you. I give up."

    "Good." Kamii glared at the two. "I was worried I might return to the ship with two dead bodies."


    "This is the most interesting thing that has happened for days." Eve giggled, and she and Harry danced past Paris’ station.

    "Well you two are making my job more interesting, I’ll tell you that. But I don’t think ol’ pointy ears back there is amused." Tom gestured toward Tuvok.

    "Shouldn’t you be on your own bridge?" Tuvok raised an eyebrow as Harry dipped Eve next to Tuvok’s console.

    "I left Talon in charge. Anyway, it’s not like anything is actually happening. You know, being in orbit and all. Just sitting there."

    The pointy eared security officer opened his mouth to reprimand the two as the bridge doors opened.

    "Hello." Janeway said pointedly, after a moment of watching the two. Chakotay, standing at her left, seemed rather amused.
Harry and Eve jumped back from each other, and turned to face Janeway, whose arms were crossed, looking slightly peeved. "Why’d you stop?" she asked, smiling wryly. "You seem to have the bridge crew rather entertained."

    "Erm.." said Harry, trying to figure out if the captain was annoyed or not.

    "Are you two just going to stand there?" Chakotay asked. "Because if you’re not doing anything, I’m sure we could find some manifolds for you to scrub."


    "The sensors are jammed." Arik muttered angrily. "Stupid piece of so called technology."

    "Great." Zeke sighed. The two were in a forest, scanning for dilithium deposits on foot, while Kamii was back at the shuttle. "Truan to Davidson. Where the hell are the deposits in relation to where we’re standing?"

    There was a pause, then "You’re right on top of them."

    "Thanks. Truan out."

    "Oh boy! Digging time! I sure am excited!" Arik said under his breath. He forcefully shoved the shovel into the ground and began digging.

    "Uh, Arik?"

    "What?" he snapped.

    "My tricorder is picking up some shockwaves."

    "Great. There it goes, hitting the fan again." Arik grumbled.

    The ground began to shake beneath them, and the ground split open, sending the two plummeting into the cavern below.
    Back at the Flyer, Kamii was busy trying to fix a lighting malfunction, when the ship lurched to one side, throwing her against the wall. As the ship fell into the forming crevasse, she hit her head, and blacked out.

    "Why haven’t they sent a report yet?" Eve asked of Seven, as the shorter of the two paced the room.

    "Perhaps they are unaware you are awaiting a transmission." Seven reasoned in her cool, calm voice, tapping out commands on a console.

    "Unlikely. Arik knows I worry until I know he- er, they are safe."

    "They may have been injured."

    "Gee, thanks, Sev. I feel so much better."

    "It was not my original intent to comfort you. If that is what you wou-"

    Eve cut her off. "No. It’s okay. I’ll have Paris take the Safari down if they still haven't responded in a couple of hours. For now I’ll stick to worrying." She sighed as Seven walked out of Astrometrics, nearing colliding with Paris as she did so.

    "What’d you do to her?" He asked, and Eve turned to face him.

    "Seven’s not one to comfort people, apparently." She sat on the console, accidentally hitting a button. "Whoops." Eve said, jumping off to see what she had done.

    The screen shifted to an image of Earth.

    "Pretty, isn’t it?" he commented. "And don’t worry about Sev. She’s like that." He set his head on hers. "You know, you’re pretty short."

    "Yes, thank you Tom." She giggled. "And don’t do that. Someone is going to get ideas."

    He backed up a bit from her. "Ooh, ideas. Sounds like fun." He grinned at her. "Want to send a transmission to the Flyer?"

    "Sure." She agreed.

    "Oh, gods, my head…" Arik sat up, and then decided against it. "Maybe I’ll just say here a moment." He closed his eyes and slowly drifted into a un-conscience state.
    A sound made Arik opened his eyes, and he blinked in the bright sunlight. Looking to his right, he found Eve snuggled up next to him. "Eve?" he asked.

    Zeke lifted his head and blinked in surprise to find himself in a classroom.

    "Ah, nice of you to take a break from your nap, Cadet." Said a voice, and he looked in the direction it has come from. Admiral Wimmer was smirking at him.

    "Oh, uh, Admiral Wimmer. Sorry about that." He stuttered. ’What the hell happened to the Delta Quadrant?’ he wondered.
    Kamii stared in surprise at what stood before her. The Eiffel Tower. "Wow." She said softly. "Home."

    "Kamii!" a voice called. She turned.


    "You woke me up!" said her sleepy voice.

    "Yeah, um, sorry about that. Uh, where are we?"

    "Don’t be silly. We’re just out side Olay Hall. Like are a lot."

    "What about the Delta Quadrant?"

    "What about it?" she leaned over him and kissed him.

    He pulled away. Something was wrong. "Uh, never mind."

    She pouted slightly. "What’s wrong, love?"

    "Nothing. Just had a weird dream." He paused and then added. "I rather not talk about it."

    "Oh. Okay." She smiled. "Kiss?" Eve requested.

    He quickly kissed her. "So, what are the plans for today?"

    She giggled. "Having dinner with Daddy."

    Arik inwardly frowned. Something was very wrong. At the very least of it, Eve rarely had dinner with Garrett and Alexis. It always ended in an argument. He couldn’t figure out how they’d ended up on Earth. "You sure?" he asked.

    "Why wouldn’t I be?" She laughed, and he managed to fake a laugh.

    "I dunno, Miss Captain."

    "Hmm? Did I get promoted?" she asked teasingly. "We finished the assignment weeks ago. I must have been a very good girl lately, Captain Gibson."

    "Engineers do not command ships." He retorted.

    "You, an Engineer?" she stared at him.

    He laughed. "Just kidding."

    She raised an eyebrow. "Whatever, honey." She pouted a little. "You haven’t been calling me any pet names."

    "You want me too?"

    "Of course."

    He smiled. "Alright then, Baby Girl. What do you want to do until its time to meet your dad?"

    She shrugged. "what do you want to do?"

    "Surf?" He asked, hopefully.

    "Uh, whatever. Skiing would be more like it. I’m from Colorado. We don’t have oceans there, if you remember correctly." She made a face at him. "And there aren’t oceans in Arizona, either."

    "Erm. Okay. How do you ski?"

    "Don’t even kid!" she scolded him. "We only go every weekend in winter."

    "Kidding again… So maybe you would like to go shopping, sugar? New York City maybe?"

    "Uh, you must have me confused with someone. Seattle would be more like it."

    "Uh, okay. Yeah." He nodded.

    "We could visit Mom, and go out on the Sound." She smiled. "Ooh, let’s do that!"

    "Your mom is-"

    "Is what? My parents are divorced, not dead. Daddy got custody rights, remember?"

    Zeke looked to his sides. Chris Chandler was on his right, and some girl who looked strangely familiar was on his left.

    "Zeke, pay attention, stupid." She said, hitting his arm, as the class was dismissed.

    He stood. "Remind me. What’s your name?"

    "Zeke, don’t be dumb."

    "I’m not!"

    "I’m suppose to be the ditzy twin!" she laughed.

    Twin. His heart nearly stopped. His sister. Zenon. But she had died when they were little. "Twin?" he repeated.

    What are you doing here?" Kamii asked as she hugged her mother. ’What am I doing here?’ she thought.

    "Picking you up. Your father is waiting back at the apartment."

    "Wait. He’s home and you want me to go? No way."

    "We got them!" Bryce yelled. "Bryce to Janeway."

    "Go ahead."

    "We’ve got a lock on them"

    "Beam them directly to sickbay."

    "Yes Captain."

    She turned to the officer at the controls. "Do it." And then turned and ran to sickbay.

    Eve stood over Arik’s bio-bed. "Wake him up!" she whined.

    The Doctor smirked. "A little over-eager, Miss Bryce?" he put a hypos to his neck. "There."

    "Good!" she grinned.

    Arik’s eyes opened. "Well hello, sexy. I guess I died, because I’m looking at an angel."

    She blushed and kissed him. "Hi sweetie. How are you feeling?"

    "I’ve been better. What happened?" He looked around. "Where am I?" After a pause. " Why am I dressed like an engineer?"

    "The sickbay. And gee, that’s a dumb question."

    "No it’s not! Who took my clothes and gave me an Engineers uniform?’

    Eve exchanged a look with Harry. "Uh, Doc," she turned toward him. "Is Arik experiencing head trama?"

    "No, he’s perfectly fine."
