Star Trek: Eclipse     |   home
Part 1   |   Part 2   |   part three
Part 2
Lt.’s Haradon and Paris walked into sickbay, to find Eve and Arik arguing about whether or not he was an engineer.

“Is Kamii okay?” Talon asked, crossing to where she was laying.

“Eve, stop it. This isn’t funny. I want my uniform, not this one. Now, where did you-“ Arik stopped partway through his sentence and stared at Talon. “What?”

“I said, ‘is Kamii okay’. I was about to get an answer before you interrupted me.” Talon turned back to The Doctor. “Well?”

“She’s been better. I need to keep her here a little longer before-“

“Since when is Talon so concerned about Kamii?” Arik interrupted, looking at Eve, who was more that a little irritated with him

“Oh, gee, Mr. I’m-no-longer-an-engineer-and-I’m-acting-like-an-idiot, I don’t know. You think it could be because they’re dating?”

“Eve, this really isn’t funny. Games over. I want to go back to the dorms.”
Kamii stood stiffly in the doorway of her childhood home, being hugged by the one person she truly hated.

“Good to see you, honey. I missed you. You really need to visit more often.” Her father said, smiling at her.

“Um. Right. Sure. Okay.” Kamii frown slightly in confusion.

“We’re so proud of you, Ami, but couldn’t you have studied at the academy branch here in France?” her mom asked, ushering Kamii into the living room. “We don’t see you often enough.”
Zeke stared at Chris and Zenon, who were laughing over some sort of inside joke. “Uh…did I miss something?”

“Zeke, if you don’t want me to hang out with you guys, just say so.” She narrowed her eyes slightly. “But I still think you must be having psychological problems.” She grinned, and started laughing.

“No, no, I don’t mind you hanging out with us. And I am not having psychological problems.”

“Aw, come on, Zeke, let the doctor have her fun.” Chris grinned.

Zenon rolled her eyes. “Whatever. So what should we do?”

Zeke shrugged. “Dunno. Find Arik and Eve?”

“When’s Kamii coming back, anyway?” Chris asked.

“How should I know?”

“What do you mean ‘how should I know’?” Zenon made a face. “You two have a fight?”

“No, I just don’t usually keep tabs on-“

“You don’t keep tabs on you’re fiancée?” Zenon cocked her head to the side. “Some husband-to-be you are.”
“Hello mother!” Eve hugged the woman, while Arik stood off to the side, looking confused.

“Eve, darling.” Carrie smiled and turned to Arik. “Arik, dear, how’s my future son-in-law?”

“Uh, erm, wonderful.” He returned the smile.

“You two look so cute together.”

Eve smiled and put her arms around Arik’s neck, kissing him. “I suppose we do, don’t we, lover?”

“Er. Okay.” He managed keep the confused look off his face. “So what are we doing first?”

“There’s a Van Gogh exhibit.” Carrie motioned down a hall. “Come on, kiddlings.”

As they walked down the hall, Carrie glanced back at the two. “Have you set a date yet?”

“No.” Eve answered. “Arik can’t make up his mind.”

Arik shrugged in response, eliciting giggles from the two females.
Captain Bryce plopped down into her chair on the bridge, still irritated with her chief engineer.

“Hey, babe, out of my chair.”

Eve looked up, raising an eyebrow at her boyfriend. “Excuse me? Your chair?”

“My chair. That chair is yours. He pointed to the chair on her right. “Now, Miss Comandress, move.”

She stayed seated. “Uh, hello, you’re an engineer. Are you out the air lock?”

“No, but somebody obviously is.”

“Are you implying something, sweetheart?” Eve’s tone of voice drawing looks from the other officers on the bridge.

“Only that you’re being psycho-bitch.”

She stood up, and shoved him out of her way. “Alright. That’s it.” Eve stormed off the bridge and into her office, followed closely by Arik.

“Hey, that’s my office!” he said, grabbing her arm as the doors shut behind him.

“What the hell are you talking about? Look at the desk! Look in the drawer! My stuff. Mine, mine, mine mine!”
she yelled, emphasizing the last word as she wrenched her arm from his grasp. “And what is up with these names? You hardly ever call me anything besides sweetie. It’s been a sickening experience.”

Arik shook his head, and opened the desk drawer. “Look, it’s all- this isn’t mine!” he held up a lipstick. “and I though you liked pet names.”

“Uh, maybe because it’s my office.” She glared at him. “and no, not to where you call me ‘baby girl’ and ‘angel’ every five minutes.” She took the lipstick from him. “get out of my office. Now.”
Zeke double-checked the warp-core, a worried expression on his face.

“Uh, Commander Truan?” B’Elanna said, entering the room. “Janeway sent me over here. She said you were working on the warp core.”


“And you’re the Executive Officer.”

“No, that’s Eve.”

“Not last time I checked.” B’Elanna gave him a weird look. “And you already checked that configuration.”

“I know. I’m worried.”

“About what? Your current mental state?”

“Kamii…” he sighed.



“Since when? I though you two didn’t get along.”

“Of course we do.” He held up his left hand. “See? Engagement ring.”

“Since when were you two even dating?”

“Since our second year at the academy.” He paused. “Who are you, anyway?”

“Very funny, Zeke. Now go do your job. Your real job.”

“But I am doing my job.”
Bryce sat in the mess hall, looking at the table as if she were going to try and kill it. “I’m telling you, Kathryn, Arik is nuts.”

Janeway rolled her eyes upward and sighed slightly. “How so?”

“Oh, not much. He just thinks he’s Captain. That’s all.” Eve said sarcastically.

“He thinks he’s Captain?” Janeway repeated.

“Yes. And the asshole has also taken the liberty of called me ‘psycho-bitch’.” She stood up. “If I couldn’t get in trouble for it, I’d beat him up.” Eve continued, exiting the mess hall. “He’s crazy, Janeway. Absolutely crazy.”
Kamii’s eyes flew open to see Talon looking at her.

“Are you okay, Ami?” he asked softly.

“Uh, Talon? Where’s Zeke? Why isn’t he here? Is he okay? What happened? Where is here, exactly?”

“Whoa, slow down. One question at a time.”

She blushed. “Sorry.”

“To answer your questions: yes, I don’t know, because he was released earlier, physically yes, mentally… well, you know Zeke, the Flyer dropped down into a crevasse and you were in the shuttle at the time, here is Voyager’s sickbay.” He took a breath. “Well, does that answer all you’re questions?”

“No.” she said softly. “I want Zeke to come see me.”

Talon raised an eyebrow. “Well, okay, I guess.”
Eve was pouting. Again. “You haven’t said you loved me yet!” she looked up at Arik, making a sad face.

He struggled not to sigh. “I’m sorry. I thought I had. I do love you, Eve.”

“Better.” She smiled. “Are you okay? You’re acting weird.”

He shrugged. “Just tired, honey.” Arik hugged her. “Where are we off to now?

She shrugged, and reached up to play with his hair. “You’re so cute as a blond.”

“A blond?” he repeated.

“Yeah, remember?”

“Oh. Okay. Yeah, I do.”

She laughed. “Dumb blond.”

“Come on kids!” Carrie announced. “There’s a play at the old theatre.”

Arik sighed. It was going to be a long day.
Kamii stared at her father and mother as they kissed, and sat at the table.

“Come on, Ami, we’re having you’re favorite.” Her mother motioned to the pineapple chicken sat out on the table.

Kamii sat, cautiously. “Looks good.”

“So, Ames, how’s the academy? Is Admiral Bryce’s daughter sticking with her major this time?”

“I think so. I hope so.” Kamii answered, and her parents laughed.

“So, are you going to be staying the night here?” her father asked. “we’d love to have you.”

“Um, actually, I should probably get back to the academy tonight.”

“Oh, honey, are you sure?” Cleo asked. “Do you and Zeke have something planned?”

“Me and Zeke?”

“You two didn’t break up, did you? He’s such a nice boy.”

“No, no, we didn’t break up. And yes, we have something planned.”

“Okay.” Her father smiled. “Bring him to visit sometime.”

“I will.”
Janeway looked at the assembled officers. “So, its obvious something’s wrong- they act differently and are claim different positions on the ship- and they seem able to do these tasks fine."

“Impersonation?” Harry suggested. “Or a temporal anomaly, or even an alternate reality.”

"Maybe." Talon sighed. "I just want to know what's up with Kamii."

"Zeke and Kamii have been falling all over each over..." Eve explained. "Not exactly typical behavior. And Arik is just... well... he's really starting to get on my nerves."

"Well if they're being impersonated, it’s not a very good one." B'Elanna shrugged. "I think we can rule out that theory."

"What about an alternate reality, like Ensign Kim suggests?" Chakotay asked. "I think it seems the most likely of the possibilities."

"It's happened before." Tom glanced at Janeway. "And there were some weird readings from that planet."

"But then where is our crew?" Eve asked. "They can't just go 'poof' and be gone... can they?"

"Of course not." Talon frowned. "At least, I hope not."
Kamii and Zeke sat next to each other, as Arik paced in front of them.

"What happened? This must be some sort of demented joke. Last thing I remember, I was outside Olay Hall with Eve. I fell asleep, I know that, but how the hell did we end up on the Eclipse again?"

"I fell asleep in class." Zeke grinned. "It was early. Not my fault."

"And I was on the shuttle in Paris." Kamii said softly. "But I don't see how that helps."

"Anyway," Arik continued, "Eve yelled at me for using pet names. Since when has she not liked that? Oh, and she thinks she's Captain, and they agree with her, those people claiming to be the crew of Voyager. And they think I'm an engineer. I don't even know what a Warp Core Skirt is!"

"Uh, I'm pretty sure that doesn't actually exist." Zeke rolled his eyes.

"See? How am I supposed to know that?"

"Well, for one thing, you made it up."

Arik ignored him. "So they don't let us in the meeting. " he frowned. "And she's not wearing an engagement ring, and the picture of her mother is really old, and the picture of her and Garrett shows him as a general and it looks like a recent picture, but he hasn't been a general for years!"

"Something is wrong, that we know. Talon called me 'Ami' And he was very talkative. And he didn't know why I was worried about you, Zeke-"

Arik cleared his throat. "Hello? May I be part of the conversation?"

Kamii looked back over at him, but didn't say anything.

"Don't be mean to her." Zeke snapped.

"I wasn't." he rolled his eyes. "I say we talked to this supposed Janeway person." he headed for the door.

Zeke shrugged at Kamii. "Typical Arik."
Kamii had just entered the building, and ran into Zeke, Chandler, and a girl she didn't recognize.

“Hi Kamii!” the girl smiled.


“Zenon.” Zeke mouthed.

“Zenon!” she finished.

“You’re fiancé was telling me you two weren’t engaged.” Zenon laughed.

“Was he?”

Zeke grinned. “Heh.”

“You’re.... very special, Zeke.” Kamii smiled.

“Yeah, I know.”

Zenon rolled her eyes. “Come on Chris, let’s go.”
