Star Trek: Eclipse     |   home
Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six
Part One

(Bryce) Captain’s Log, Supplemental
The two crews have been working around the clock to fix my ship- gee. I never thought I’d hear myself say that. My ship. But anyway, everything is going according to plan. Captain Janeway and I devised a system- I command my ship, and crew, that includes my four senior officers and the twenty-three people found locked in the mess hall- as well as the Voyager crewman reassigned to Eclipse. We have some of Voyager’s senior officers working on Eclipse every now and then. It’s strange though, I can receive orders from Chakotay, but I can tell him to do things. I guess will figure out where everyone falls eventually.
Our EMH is up and running- she has quite a personality. You should see her and The Doctor argue. It’s really very entertaining. Eclipse also had two holographic nurses. We transferred one to Voyager.
As for the Voyager crew that has seemingly fallen possessed- The Doctor still hasn’t figured out how to fix it. In addition to Harry, Seven of Nine, and B’Elanna, Tuvok has also fallen ill. It wasn’t very hard to notice- he stuck his tongue out at Tom.
My crew that has passed on- we’ve had forty-three funerals already. Crew morale takes dips at times, but I guess that can be expected. I miss them, my crew, my class, and my friends. Janeway assures me things will go easier over time. I hope she’s right.

Eve sat in her ready room, rocking the chair back and forth. A buzz came from the door.

"Come in."

"Hi." It was Tom Paris, bringing her food. "Neelix told be to bring you this- something about you being too thin." He shrugged, handing her the plate. "Maybe they’re really plotting against me, and just want me off the ship for a bit."

She laughed. "Maybe."

He looked around the room. "Wow, they really liked you guys back at the academy." His eyes stopped on a picture on Bryce’s desk. "Who’s this?" he asked, picking it up.

"Huh?" she looked up at him. "Oh. That’s my mom."

He nodded and held it out at arms length before setting it down. "You look like her."


"Janeway to Bryce, your presence is requesting on Voyager’s bridge." The Comm interrupted.

"On my way." She stood.

She and Tom exited the ready room, heading for the transportation deck.

"Zeke, you’ve got the bridge."

"Yes!" He swung his legs over her seat. "Leg room."

"Oh, and Kamii- if he goes power nuts, you have my permission to remove him from command." Eve added before the doors closed.

"Yes!" she laughed.
"You wanted to see me?" Bryce said, entering Janeway’s ready room.

"Yes I did."


"A ship passed by- they want to meet with us. Since the Eclipse is here, we’ll need a rep from your ship. Do you want to go?"

"Of course!" she stopped. "Am I-."

"No, I’ll be coming too."

"Good." The girl smiled.
"This is so cool. I can’t believe I get to make first contact. I never imagined this happening- okay, so maybe I did but I didn’t think it would happen."

Janeway smiled at the cadet’s excitement. "Isn’t it?" she turned to the ambassador for the other species. "Hello Ambassador, I’m Captain Kathryn Janeway. This is Captain Eve Bryce. She’s in charge of the Eclipse."

"A counterpart vessel? I was not informed." He returned.

Eve glanced briefly at Janeway. "The Eclipse and Voyager work closely together- we’re from the same planet, far from home. But my ship is the smaller off port side."

He nodded.

"How may we be of assistance?" Janeway asked.

He looked at Bryce, then Janeway, and then back to Bryce. "Is it common practice to have one of such little age commanding a starship?"

"I assure you, Ambassador Valox, she’s perfectly capable of her duties."

"Very well. You are a strange race indeed. Moving on, we’d like to trade with Voyager- and the Eclipse. You will surely be needing charts of what lies ahead."

"A trade? I’m sure that can be arranged." Eve answered. "I’d have to check our inventory, but I think that may be possible."

"And with Voyager the same is true. I think its safe to say the trading can begin as soon as we work out an agreement…"

"Hey, Lanna, why did the dinosaurs go extinct?" Harry prompted.

"HARRY!" she yelled through clenched teeth.

"Uh, Harry, let’s take you to your quarters." Paris said, saving Harry from bodily harm. He lowered the force field, and took Harry by the wrist.

"Because they broke a window!" Harry laughed.

Tuvok stuck his tongue out at B’Elanna, who threw herself at the now standing force field.

"I’m a little teapot, short and stout…" he started.

"Tom! Come back here!" B’Elanna yelled as Tom and Harry left.
Paris stopped by cargo bay two on the way to Harry’s room. "Hey, Seven!"

"Go away. Too many people." Seven yelled back.

"Go away." Paris mocked to himself.

"I’m hungry!" Harry whined.

"Fine. We’ll go to the mess hall first."
"Hey, I was told Harry was being confined to quarters." Eve said, noticing the pair.

"He is." Tom walked over to where Eve was sitting.


"Really?" Paris echoed.



"Never. Mind. I have duties anyway." She said through gritted teeth, as she exited the
mess hall.

"Hello Tom, What can I get for you?" Neelix asked.

"The usual. Oh, and some for Harry, too."

"Uh-huh! I’m hungry!"

Neelix shook his head, and headed into the kitchen.
Eve walked on to the bridge, surprised to find Arik. "Arik! What are you doing here?"
His back was turned to her as he worked on a console. The sound of her voice made him jump, hitting his head on the metal of the instrument above him. "Ow!" he rubbed his head. "Well, I was fixing this station" he kicked the console. "Till you came in and scared the crap out of me."

She laughed. "Why don’t you get down to sick bay and have them check you out."

He winked at her. "I could report to your quarters…."

Ensign Chandler whistled from his spot across the room, and it was followed by giggles from the ops officer.

"Arik!" she turned red.

"Hey, I just said it. You’re the one who interpreted it like that…." He shrugged. "I’ll stop by Engineering on my way and get some one to fix this stupid station."

She nodded. "Okay." Then grinned. "Love ya, see you later tonight, Loverboy!" she yelled, with a slight giggle as he exited the bridge. His ears turned pink.

The others on the bridge started to laugh, and Eve’s blushed turned darker red, as she made a quick exit to her ready room.

Janeway walked in as the ready room doors closed. "What’s so funny?"

"Eve and Arik, they started flirting, and then turned bright red and make quick exits." Ensign Chris Chandler explained.

"Is that so?" Janeway smiled, she knew that she wasn’t hearing the full story. "Where is she now?"

"Her ready room." Supplied the ops officer.

Janeway nodded. "Thanks." She crossed to the office and hit the buzzer.

"Yeah, come in."

The doors opened. "Your crew giving you a bad time?"

"Yeah, but I don’t mind."

"I still can’t believe we found the twenty-three survivors we did, trapped in the mess hall," She paused. "at least they had food." Janeway sat on the couch.

"Yeah. It brings the total to twenty-eight... but the other eighty-four…" Eve didn’t finish.

"I know. Come on, we need your help setting up."

Eve sighed. She was tired of funerals, but there were still many to go.
