Star Trek: Eclipse     |   home
Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six
Part Six

"To be, or not to be," Harry began with a silly grin on his face. "That is the question."

"And that is the wrong story." Eve added, smiling.

"Yeah, yeah." He coughed. "M'lady, I have come from a distant land to the Kingdom of Camelot to seek becoming a kn-" he was interrupted by the opening of the palace doors.

"Let's see what Alex had programmed for this time." 'Gwenivere' said softly to 'Arthur'.

A knight in black armor entered, and stopped behind Harry. "Lady Gwenivere, come forward!"

She looked at Arthur again, and slowly stood, then moved toward the knight. He bowed, and held out his hand before suddenly grabbing her and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Let me down this instant!" She demanded, although arguing with holograms usually accomplished nothing.

The knight didn't answer, instead running from the room.

“What?” Was all Arthur managed.

“I believe fair Gwenivere has been kidnapped.” Harry responded.

“Really?” Said Paris as Lancelot. “Think we should rescue her?”

“We don’t know where she is!” Knight Harry Kim protested.

“So we’ll find her.” Arthur nodded to a messenger. “We’ll have the guards watch for her. No one leaves the castle walls.”

“Oooh boy.” Lancelot rolled his eyes.

“Shouldn’t they be finished with the holo program?” Inquired Seven, after a while.

“Nah.” Talon shook his head. “Alex liked to add twists. And we changed something, so Gwenivere will take longer to be rescued.”

“I presume the safety is on.” Seven stated. “Swords are dangerous weapons, holographic or real.”

“Yes, of course!” Talon looked at Kamii, who nodded agreement. “Maybe I should go check...” he added hesitantly.


“Put me down!” Screamed Eve at Tom Paris.

“But, I, Lancelot, have saved you!” He protested with a cocky grin.

Eve kicked her legs. “Yeah, well, I’ll be sure you get a party something. Down.” She demanded.

He set her down. “There, happy? Now be a good woman and go stand with Harry while I fight Arik to the death.”

“Hey!” She glared at him, retreating to where Harry sat on a horse.

“You know,” Harry said quietly to her. “I don’t think either one can use a sword.”

“Me either.” She shook her head sadly. “And in the end, I’ll just be burnt at the stake for something or other.” after a moment, she blinked and added, "Gee... I hope the safety is on..."

Harry laughed and pointed at the other two, who were making a sad attempt to sword fight.  “Look, its really kind of funny.”

“In a totally not funny way.” Eve added.

“Right, of course.”

“Ow!” Cried Arik suddenly.

“Hey, what’d you do to my boyfriend?” Eve demanded.

“Nothing! He cut himself on his own sword.” Tom pointed at Arik. “Not my fault he’s a klutz.”

Eve frowned. "We should probably go anyway. I’ve got some captain stuff to do.” She walked over to Arik, and took his hand.

Paris rolled his eyes. “You two just want to get out of here so you can go make out or something.”

“Oh, no no no no no.” we’d never do that. Would we?”

“Um, bleeding.” Arik answered.

“The look on the doctor’s face was priceless!” Arik laughed. “I mean, he didn’t ask any questions about the armor but you just knew he was wondering.”

She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. “Should start some interesting rumors.” She paused. “Oh, you know what? I never directly confined Kamii and Talon to quarters.” She hit her comm badge. “Eve to Kamii and Talon, you guys better be in your quarters.” She frowned. “I’m going to be by to take your comm badges.”

They never heard. They had put the comms in her office.

The door buzzed. “I’m coming in!” Eve announced.

“Crap!” Talon exclaimed, as the doors opened.

Eve looked at the two. “Why aren’t you in your quarters, Kamii? Why do you have a visitor, Talon?” She glared at them. “Relived and restricted is punishment, not an excuse to hang out together. And you both know that. Badges.” She held out her hand.

“Already in your office.” Kamii answered quietly.


“You never said we were confined to quarters.” Talon spoke up.

“You knew what I meant.”

“Well...” Kamii didn't finished her sentence.

“I’m really disappointed in both of you.” Her voice took an icy edge. “This is your final warning. Defy me again, and I’ll give you the punishment you deserve.” She turned and stalked out of the room.

“Later.” Kamii looked at Talon a last time and left his quarters.


Eve wrapped her arms around Arik's neck as they entered his quarters. "This is nice. No distractions."

He nodded in agreement and kissed her.  "No more going off to yell at people. I want you all to myself."

She kissed him back. "Fine by me."

“Any sign of them?” Janeway asked, again.

“No.” replied the ensign, as the bridge was silent again.

“It’s different.” Chakotay said after a moment. “I keep waiting for Paris to say something
rude or sarcastic, or Harry talking about some girl.”

“And Seven of Nine.” She was like the daughter Janeway didn’t have.

“Neelix’s gossip.” Added an ensign with a smile.

“I’m sure we’ll find them.” Janeway said quickly.

“I wonder where they are...” said another ensign.

“Most likely getting in to trouble.” Tuvok said with a raised eyebrow, and all but he laughed.

“They’re so young. It’s like having a whole crew of Harrys.” Janeway smiled. “They have their entire lives ahead of them. And something tells me it won’t all be in the Delta Quadrant.”

With nothing more to say, the bridge fell silent, once again.

                -all done-