Star Trek: Eclipse     |   home
Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six
Part Two

"Crewman Baise- Alex, and I were close. I’ve known him since my first year at the academy." Eve stopped, and took a deep breath. Her voice was cracking and she was very close to bursting into tears. "He loved medieval stuff, and I use to do holo programs with him, Camelot, that sort of thing. That’s why he always called me milady. We’ll all miss him." She looked away, not being to continue.

Minutes later, the pod was released, in Starfleet tradition.

Eve’s head was down as she left the room. She couldn’t let them see her crying. Eve hurried to her room, and cued up the computer. It let her in. She moved to her couch, flopped down on to it and started to sob.

The door chimed, she didn’t answer, but the doors opened anyway.

"Eve." Arik said as he joined her on the couch.

"It’s too much, Arik! They’re all gone. Alex, Syd, Joey… everyone."

"I know." He put his arm around her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. "They wouldn't want you like this over them. I know you miss them, we all do, but you can’t put all the blame on yourself. Any of it."

"Mmmpf." She responded.

He sighed. "Your shift is over anyway, get some rest."

"Mppphf." She said again, rubbing her eyes. She sat back against the couch, and after a
bit her breath evened and softened. He closed his eyes, and was soon asleep too.
Eve opened her eyes, moving closer to Arik, who had, during the night, put both arms around her.


"Hmm?" He opened his eyes slightly.

"What happened?"

He looked around, and then back at her. "Oh. Nothing."

"Okay." She closed her eyes again, them opened them. "What time is it?"

"I dunno." He sighed. "Computer, what time is it?"

"It is 0300 hours." The computer answered in its unemotional female voice.

"No…" Eve whined. "My shift starts in three hours. Yuck…" she paused. "Why are you still here, anyway?"

"You fell asleep on my arm. I couldn’t leave you." He smoothed her hair with his free hand.


"You might have rolled off the couch." He added, grinning.

She laughed slightly. "Oh? Really?"

"Yes, and then you have had security come running in here, and scare you half to death."

"I’m sure." She yawned. "Are you sure you couldn’t have just picked me up, moved me to the bed, and then taken you and your arm back to your quarters?"

"Yep, positive." He kissed her on the forehead. "Well, I guess if you want me to go…" Arik started to stand up.

"No! I mean, no, I mean, what will people think if you leave my quarters at three in the morning?"

"Hey, they can think what ever they want. A little gossip never hurt anyone. Well, not many people."

She raised an eyebrow.

"So I’m staying?" he continued.

Eve walked on to the bridge, five minutes late for her shift. She hoped no one would notice.

"Captain on the bridge!" Talon announced.

"Your laa-aaate." Zeke smiled at her, removing his legs from the armrest on the Captain’s chair.

"Yeah, well…."

"So, where’d you go last night?"

"Shu-." She was cut off as the doors opened, and Arik ran in.

"I made it!" he announced.

"Uh, hate to break it to you, but you’re on the wrong deck!" Zeke called over.

"Shut up." He said softly, leaving the room.

"I’ll be in my ready room." Eve said, trying to avoid further teasing.

Zeke swung his legs back on the chair. "All right."

Harry walked in. "Hey, how is everyone?"

Several pairs of eyes turned toward him.

"You’re normal again…." Kamii said slowly.

"As normal as I get." He grinned, and Paris ran up behind him.

"As normal as I get!" he echoed with a laugh.


"Unfortunately…" Paris’ eyes widened and he ran up behind Eve, making it in the room right before the doors to her ready room shut.

"Paris!" Eve said, exasperated.

"Paris!" he mimicked.

"What do you want?"

"What do you want?"

She opened the ready room doors. "Harry! Get him out!"

Paris didn’t have time to echo, as Harry came and led him away.

Eve stood in the doorway. "What do I do to deserve this?" she demanded.

"You’re fun to annoy!" the bridge crew answered, in unison.

Suddenly the ship shook, and the red alert lighting switched on.

"Janeway," Eve said, hitting her Comm, "What was that?"

"Apparently, we’re not welcome in this area of space."

"Since when?"

Another explosion rang out.

"Never mind. Let’s get out of her."

"Warp 6?" Janeway asked.

"On three." Eve confirmed.

"Before we’re blown up!" Harry added. "Sorry."

"One…." Janeway started.

"Two." Eve replied.

"Three!" the two bridge crews said together.
Eve looked around at her crew as they pulled out of warp. "So, did we do it? Are they still with us?"

"Uh… I don’t think so." Kamii replied.

"What do you mean?" Talon asked.

"Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore." Zeke moved his legs, as the captain plopped down in her chair.

"Crap!" she exclaimed. "Scan again."


"Maybe they didn’t pull out at the same time." Harry suggested. "Try long range scanners."


Eve stood up and ran to record a message.

"Who are you planning to send it to?" Harry asked.

"Anyone who will receive it." She paused, turning the device on. "Voyager! Voyager! Come in! This is the Eclipse, do you read?" she sighed. "Dammit, Voyager, respond!"

A few silent moments passed.

"What’s our location?" she demanded.

Kamii coughed, and rechecked the co-ordinates again, and then a third time. "The Gamma Quadrant." She took a moment to recover from the shock. "Just outside the changeling homeworld."
