Star Trek: Eclipse     |   home
Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six
Part Four

Quark looked up and saw new people walk into his bar/casino.

“Don’t even think about it.” Said Ode from behind him.

“This is our casino and bar,” Kira said, and looked at Quark. “Don’t bother, we’re just passing through.”

“Hey, a bar and casino- so that’s what’s missing from Voyager.” Paris said under his breath.

Kim elbowed him. “Hush.”

“Only speaking the truth.”

“Shut up.” Eve warned, turning to look at the two.

“Yes ma’am!” Paris replied, as Eve glared at him.

The group then moved on to a communication room. “This is new-” Kira began, “It’s our new communication room and you’re welcome to use it- but I’m sure that in your case your families will be coming here.”
“Alright. We are missing five senior officers- Harry Kim, Tom Paris, Neelix, The Doctor, and Seven of Nine. “ Janeway said. “And we know that Eclipse has a faulty warp core- or something else that can throw them from one location to another. We can either stay at this spot in space- or continue on our way, hoping to find them along the way.”

“We have to go. We can’t just stay here and hope they turn up. That is, if we plan to see Earth before we die.” Chakatoy said.

“Thank you for the cheery spin on things.” B’Elanna said dryly. “May I remind you my husband is on that ship.”

Janeway sighed. “Tuvok, what’s the logical reaction?”

“It would be most logical to continue- It is likely they dropped out of warp later that us, and are simply out of scanner range.”

“Agreed. We will continue, and keep a look out for the Eclipse- let’s leave the light on for them.”

“Understood.” B’Elanna said, obviously not completely agreeing. “Who will cover for the missing officers?”

“Most posts are already covered- everything but mess hall.” she looked around the table, with a lopsided smile. “Tuvok? Would you like to cover?”


“Alright then, how about we assign Crewman Farris and O'Donnell? They’ve helped Neelix before.”

Chakotay grinned. “Weren't they the two who made chocolate available at every meal?”

“I guess we’ll find out. Dismissed.”

As the room emptied, Janeway leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. She had almost entered the room when Naomi Wildman approached her.

“Captain’s Assistant reporting.”

Janeway opened her eyes. “Hello Naomi.” she said, smiling slightly.

Naomi said in the chair next to Janeway. “Were you sleeping?”

“No, just resting.”

“Oh.” she paused. “Is the other crew lost?”

Janeway started to say no, but stopped. “I’m not sure.” she sighed. “So, what did you do today?”

“I went to the holodeck again, and Mom showed me Earth again...” she trailed off. “Do you miss your home?”

“Yes... yes I do. Very much.” Janeway smiled. “Let’s go check the mess hall and see if we
can find any ice cream.”

Kamii took a final sip of her drink- the fourth one so far.

“Maybe we should go check Zeke in the casino- maybe he wants a drink.” Talon said, examining the bottom of the glass.

“Nah, he’s probably fine.” Kamii said, before ordering another drink.
Eve Bryce waited nervously for Starfleet to answer. Behind her stood Arik, Tom, and Harry.

Finally, the connection was made.

“Hi, this is Cadet Bryce. Is General Bryce available?”

The man nodded. “Yes. I’ll get him. Who should I tell him it is?”

Eve rolled his eyes. “Cadet Bryce might work.”

The man nodded again, and the Starfleet logo appeared on the screen, to be replaced

only minutes later by General Bryce.


“Hi Daddy. You know Arik, and this is Tom Paris and Harry Kim.”

“The rest of the Eclipse crew? And Voyager?”

“Long story. I’ll tell it later.”

“So, who is in charge of the Eclipse?”


he blinked. “You?”

“Yeah, Janeway gave me full command.”

“I’m proud of you. Your mother and I can’t wait till you-”

“Dad, I can’t go back.”

“What do you mean?”

“All or none.”

“All or none?”

“I can’t leave my friends in the Delta Quadrant. When they come home, so will I.” she frowned, wrinkling her nose in distaste. “And Alexis is not my mother. My mother died fourteen years ago.”

He sighed. “So much like Carrie.”

“You can come and see me, we’ll be here for a while.” she smiled. “I’ve got to go, but can you get ahold of someone for me?”

“Sure, sweetie. Who?”

“Admiral Paris.”

“I’ll try.”

“Thanks. I’ll contact you later today at home.”

“Alright. Alexis and I will be there in a few days.” he paused, looking at Tom. “I bet you father drops everything to talk to you.”

Paris nodded and smiled.

“I hope you can get him.” Eve said. “And Daddy?”


“Please rethink bringing Alexis.” she said, ending the connection.

“So, I guess you don’t think much of Alexis.” Tom said, after a moment of silence.

“Not in the slightest.”

The comm beeped. “That must be my dad.” Tom established the link to see a face he didn’t recognize.

“Mom?” Harry asked, surprised.

Eve bit her lip. “Well, it’s not Admiral Paris.”
